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The best website to find the best modern safety shoes with experts insights

The Mission

Our mission is to safeguard every step with top-notch safety footwear and expert guides, ensuring that individuals across industries walk confidently in the face of potential hazards

The Team

our dedicated footwear enthusiasts team is committed to curating insightful content and recommending the best safety shoes, providing a reliable resource for informed choices in workplace safety

The Vision

We envision a workplace landscape where every foot is protected, guided by our commitment to empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools to prioritize safety without compromising on comfort or style

safety kicks logo

About Safety Kicks

Welcome to Safety Kicks, where protection meets style. At Safety Kicks, we understand the importance of comfortable and reliable safety footwear for every job. Our curated collection showcases a fusion of cutting-edge design and industry-leading safety standards. With a passion for occupational safety, our team strives to guide you towards the perfect pair, ensuring you step into your workday with confidence and comfort. Discover the intersection of fashion and safety at Safety Kicks and know more about us because every step matter

write for us fASHION


Step into the spotlight! Safety Kicks invites passionate writers and fashion enthusiasts to contribute to our dynamic platform. If you have a flair for fashion and an eye for stylish footwear, share your expertise with our engaged audience. 

Whether it’s the latest shoe trends, fashion guides, or personal insights, we welcome diverse voices to join our community and write for us fashion and footwear blogs. Submit your fashion-forward ideas and let your creativity shine on Safety Kicks

Chris Richards

About Author - Chris Richards

Introducing Chris Richards, the visionary behind Safety Kicks. Armed with a background in occupational safety and a fervour for footwear, Chris seamlessly blends expertise with style. As the architect of the website, he not only informs but ignites inspiration. Beyond safety, Chris specialises in Plantar Fasciitis, ensuring Safety Kicks is not just about protection and fashion but also caters to specific foot health needs. Trust Chris to be your guiding expert in the realm of occupational safety and style, with a unique focus on total foot well-being. You can read the blogs written by Chris here.